Is the political left hedging their bets on Biden’s victory this November, or do they have an alternative strategy in play?
Recent murmurs suggest a potential switch-up in the Democratic lineup, with speculation swirling around Michelle Obama stepping in for Biden. Reports have surfaced, indicating a possible timeline for this transition: August, during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Der Spiegel, a reputable German media outlet, has brought this rumor to light, hinting at Biden’s contemplation of a “grand gesture” – stepping down and endorsing Michelle Obama as his successor.
This move isn’t entirely out of left field. Previously, Michelle Obama has been included in discussions and polls among potential Democratic contenders.
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Take a look at the report :
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This summer, President Joe Biden may consider stepping out of the presidential race in favor of endorsing Michelle Obama, former First Lady and wife of ex-President Barack Obama, according to a report by Der Spiegel on May 5.
The U.S. Democratic Party is considering the possibility that Biden may announce his decision in August 2024 at a party convention in Chicago.
Der Spiegel states that Michelle Obama has been added to the roster of potential candidates, with public opinion polls currently being conducted to gauge her viability.
“The idea of a female president inspires many Americans,” Der Spiegel notes.
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It’s important to note that this is all just speculation, from a German source.
The Washington Examiner reported:
Former President Barack Obama will serve as an Illinois delegate at the Democratic National Convention this summer, possibly upstaging his former running mate, President Joe Biden.
Illinois Democrats announced their full list of delegates Monday evening. Obama marks just one of 51 party leaders and elected officials serving as either automatic or at-large delegates, on top of the 96 district delegates. The Illinois delegation totals 147.
Obama has weighed in on some political issues since leaving office in 2017, but like most former presidents, he largely has avoided attempting to steer the party toward any successors.
He notably did not endorse Biden during the 2020 Democratic primary until it was clear his former vice president would be the nominee in that election. Meanwhile, popular former first lady Michelle Obama has long been rumored in GOP circles as replacing Biden as the 2024 nominee, which Democratic strategists dismiss as a “ginned-up” conspiracy.
Still, Democratic insiders have indicated to the Washington Examiner that they expect Obama to hit the 2024 campaign trail hard for Biden starting this summer, and the campaign is welcoming his efforts to boost Biden’s reelection push. Campaign officials added that Obama has indicated a willingness to do “whatever the campaign asks” once he ramps up his on-the-ground appearances.
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No true. She already said no to the rumor. Everything is pretty much set and each party has their candidates. Maybe next time.